My Favorite Reads of 2023

I’m a day late but I’ve finally been able to sit down with my diary to have a good think through my reading year. It’s been an absolute cracker. Lots of travel time to read in transit, a brilliant reading project -working my way chronologically through the complete works of Toni Morrison and Kurt Vonnegut- and the ongoing brilliance of Mexico and Below Book group, (which meets monthly in No Alibis to read translated literature from countries below Mexico- you can follow us on Instagram), have all combined to make it the best reading year I can remember.

I’ve done a quick tally and it looks like I’ve read 315 books in total this year. As I’ve said many times before, you don’t need to read as many books. A book a month is great going if you’re enjoying yourself. It’s my job to read in order to prep for interviews, write articles, judge competitions etc. I literally get paid to do it and give around 4 hours a day to reading. Nobody needs to read this much, (but I’m kind of glad I get to). Of my 315 books, 235 were fiction, 31 poetry, 47 non-fiction and 3 plays. (I think that adds up to 315). I’d hope to read more work in translation this year but only came in at a slightly disappointing 35 books. That’s something I intend to rectify next year.

Now, the fun part. Here are my favourite reads of the year. You’ll notice that many of these books weren’t published in 2023 and that’s because a great book’s still a great book regardless of when you get around to reading it. I’m trying to be less panicky about reading books as soon as they hit the shelves, (also hoping to save a fortune on hardbacks). However, just to be fair to everyone, I’m not going to recommend anything I’ve read in proof which hasn’t been published yet. My lists are split into categories. Book of the year’s a standout. The others are in no particular order.

Fiction Read of the Year: Catherine Lacey - Biography of X

Top Twenty Fiction Reads:

  1. Victoria Mackenzie - For Thy Great Pain Have Mercy on My Little Pain

  2. K Patrick - Mrs S

  3. Elizabeth Taylor - Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont

  4. Tom Crewe - The New Life

  5. Noel O’Regan - Though the Bodies Fall

  6. Chetna Maroo - Western Lane

  7. Ainslie Hogarth - Motherthing

  8. Ellen van Neeren - Heat and Light

  9. Jo Ann Beard - Cheri

  10. Barbara Comyns - Sisters by a River

  11. Bonnie Nadzam - Lamb

  12. Toni Morrison - Recitatif

  13. Barbara Kingsolver - Demon Copperhead

  14. Deirdre Madden - Molly Fox’s Birthday

  15. Cherie Jones - How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps Her House.

  16. Nicole Flattery - Nothing Special

  17. Alyssa Songsiridej - Little Rabbit.

  18. Kathryn Scanlan - Kick the Latch.

  19. Noor Naga - If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English.

  20. Jamaica Kincaid - Lucy

Non-fiction Read of the Year: Mark O’Connell - A Thread of Violence

Top Five Non-Fiction Reads:

  1. Katherine Rundell - Super-Infinite

  2. Milan Kundera - The Art of the Novel

  3. Peter Falk - Just One More Thing

  4. Toni Morrison - The Last Interview

  5. Casey Plett - On Community

Best Poetry Collection: Nick Laird - Up Late

Top Five Poetry Collections:

  1. Anthony Joseph - Sonnets for Albert

  2. Emma Must - The Ballad of Yellow Wednesday

  3. Ada Limón - The Carrying

  4. Damian Smyth - Irish Street

  5. Michael McKimm - Because We Could Not Dance at the Wedding

Best Work in Translation: Viola di Grado - Blue Hunger (translated by Jamie Richards)

Top Ten Works in Translation:

  1. Georgi Gaspodinov - Time Shelter. (translated by Angela Rodel). This one was a very close second to Blue Hunger.

  2. Aurora Venturini - Cousins. (translated by Kit Maude).

  3.  Gauz - Standing Heavy. (translated by Frank Wynne). 

  4. Annie Ernaux - The Years. (translated by Alison L. Strayer).

  5.  Ivana Sajko - Love Novel. (translated by Mina Simić).

  6. Andrea Aubrey - Dogs of Summer. (translated by Julia Sanches). 

  7. Lana Bastašić - Catch the Rabbit. (translated by the author).

  8. Jente Posthuma - What I’d Rather Not Think About. (translated by Sarah Timmer Harvey).

  9. Laurent Mauvignier - The Birthday Party. (translated by Daniel Levin Becker).

  10. Margarita García Robayo - Holiday Heart. (translated by Charlotte Coombe).